HFU Foreign Teachers’ Online Teaching


To meet the requirement of the Ministry of Education of no teaching suspension in spite of the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic, online teaching has been conducted since Feburary 17th. HFU foreign teachers have also devoted to their online courses through different ways in their home towns.

Because of time difference, Adrian Lempert, a German teacher, chooses to use WeChat platform. Before class, he carefully prepares for the teaching contents with his lecture audio recorded in advance. After class, he gives timely evaluation and suggestions to students.
      Josef Witte, another German teacher, gives online classes through Dingding live broadcast and actively interacts with his students in and after class.
  German Professor Jutta Lahmann assigns tasks and gives feedback through her mailbox, and communicates with students online in real time through Skype.
     German teacher Loiswida Hansjuergens uses the Zoom platform for live classes together with PPT, audio and video materials and mind maps to create a relaxing and pleasant online atmosphere for learning German.
    Jin Bi, a Korean teacher, excellent at Chinese, uses Chinese domestic online teaching platforms and focuses on optimizing the quality of his courses through the analysis of feedback data, which is welcome to his students.
     Online teaching is a special method in a special period, which perhaps will become a new opportunity for the digital language teaching reform.